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Tandy Original

Stock Number Item Image
26-0529 MC-10 Cover
26-3011 MC-10 Computer MC-10 Unboxing MC-10 MC-10 MC-10
26-3013 MC-10 16k Memory Module MC-10 16K RAM Expansion
26-3195 TRS-80 Color Computer & MC-10 Programs TRS-80 Color Computer and MC-10 Programs
26-3350 MC-10 Micro Color Compac Micro Color Compac
26-3360 MC-10 Checkers Checkers
26-3361 MC-10 Games Breakout Breakout
Eggs Eggs
Horse Horse
Lander Lander
Pong Pong
26-3362 MC-10 Math/Design MiniCalc MiniCalc
Spirals Spirals
26-3363 MC-10 Pinball Pinball Title Pinball

Additional Hardware

By Fred72z

The Extension Multiport - game cartridge port, 2 digital joystick ports, 16K RAM expansion (switchable on/off), and 2 expansion bus ports instead of just the one on the back of the ALICE/MC-10.

By Brendan Donahe

Pi Key 10 - USB keyboard and digital joystick adapter
CoCoVGA VDG enhancement

By Darren Atkinson

By Ed Snider

Additional Software

Additional Sites


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micro_color_computer/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/11 17:09 by coco