Color Computers

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Micro Computers

FPGA Implementations

Major Components

Major Components Abbreviation Implementations Uses
Micro-Processor Units (MPU) Motorola MC6809E Stock CoCo 1, 2, 3 MPU
Hitachi HD6309 Upgrade CoCo 1, 2, 3 MPU
Motorola MC6803 Stock Micro Color 10 MCU
Video Display Generators (VDG) Motorola MC6847 Stock CoCo 1,2, Micro Color 10 VDG
Motorola SC80651 Deluxe Color Computer VDG
Motorola XC80652 CoCo 2B VDG
CoCoVGA VDG enhancement daughterboard
Graphics Interrupt Memory Enhancements (GIME) GIME 1986 “Tequila” Stock CoCo 3 Advanced Color Video Chip
GIME 1987 “Tortilla” Improved CoCo 3 Advanced Color Video Chip
GIME-X FPGA recreation of the GIME with enhancements
GIME-Z FPGA recreation of the GIME with planned enhancements
Synchronous Address Multiplexers (SAM) Motorola MC6883 Stock SAM design
Motorola SN 783 CoCo 1,2 SAM
Motorola SN 785 Late CoCo 2, 2B SAM
SAM Accelerator Enhanced SAM supporting fast clock speed in CoCo 1, 2
SAM X4 Enhanced SAM supporting 256KB bank switched 32KB at a time
Peripheral Interface Adapters (PIA) Motorola MC6821 Stock PIA for CoCo 1, 2
Motorola MC6822 Different bus driving version of PIA
Motorola SC67331 CoCo 3 PIA
Motorola LSC81001P CoCo 3 PIA
Supply And Level Translator (SALT) Motorola SC77527P Integrated chip to reduce component counts in CoCo 2, 3
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hardware.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/15 19:59 by coco